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Fix Azure Ad Connect Sync Service Not Running Error

Fix Azure AD Connect Sync Service Not Running Error


The Microsoft Azure AD sync service is essential for keeping your on-premises Active Directory environment in sync with Azure Active Directory. If the sync service is not running, it can cause a variety of problems, including: * Users being unable to sign in to Azure AD * Changes to on-premises Active Directory not being reflected in Azure AD * Synchronization errors that can lead to data loss

Troubleshooting the Sync Service

If you are experiencing problems with the Azure AD sync service, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue: 1. Check the status of the sync service. You can do this by opening the Services console and looking for the "Azure AD Sync" service. If the service is not running, you can start it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Start". 2. Check the event logs for errors. If the sync service is not running, there may be an error message in the event logs that can help you diagnose the problem. You can open the event logs by clicking on the "Event Viewer" icon in the Control Panel. 3. Restart the Azure AD Connect wizard. If you are still having problems with the sync service, you can try restarting the Azure AD Connect wizard. This will reset the wizard and may resolve the problem.


The Azure AD sync service is a critical component of Azure Active Directory. If the sync service is not running, it can cause a variety of problems. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can troubleshoot the sync service and get it running again.
